Home Grown

I love growing my own fruit and veg, even if it is time consuming watering the plants. This is the third year running we’ve grown tomatoes on the patio and we had a bumper crop. We tried broad beans, but only got one meal’s worth. My purple broccoli have mainly succumbed to the cabbage white… Continue reading Home Grown

Humbling Experience

My son’s school hosted a performance by The Pearl of Africa choir on Friday night. The choir are on a fund raising tour to support 3,000 Ugandan orphans and destitute children in eight schools and nine orphanages. Each choir member comes from a background that we can’t even imagine. Many are orphans to AIDS and… Continue reading Humbling Experience

Poetic Plea

What if I were confident the way I used to be? Wearing red and jade suits in a grey-clad sea of men. Leading teams, deciding goals, speaking out with steel. How did she become this little mouse? Please tell me this isn’t real. Let me wake tomorrow sure and set on a new course with… Continue reading Poetic Plea

Life beyond

Looking forward to life beyond New Voices! I can’t believe how much time and energy it took up – where did September go? I’ve already sorted out a poem for a competition, read the next section of my distance learning course and examined several scenarios for writing projects I have on the go. Rosie and… Continue reading Life beyond

Thoughts on New Voices

Oh well, not only did I not make the top ten in the Mills and Boon New Voices competition, but I wasn’t on the list of writers they want to hear more from either. I’ve allowed myself a few moments to feel despondent and now I’m taking stock. The fact is I learned a great… Continue reading Thoughts on New Voices

Reading Statistic

Listening to Radio 4 on the way to writing group on Friday I heard the statistic that the average person reads 4-5 books a year! My husband, who travels widely with his job, gets through at least a book a fortnight (and those are some weighty tomes like Dickens interspersed with lighter Clive Cussler), so… Continue reading Reading Statistic