What Makes Me A Writer By Caroline James

I am delighted to welcome Caroline James, author of The French Cookery School for One More Chapter back to my blog to tell readers about what makes her a writer. I have read her latest lovely book, so will include my review at the end of the blog. Over to Caroline …

Hi everyone and huge thanks to Morton for hosting me on her wonderful blog. I write romantic comedies and currently live in lovely Lancashire.

I yearned to write novels early on, and my childhood dream continued throughout my life. Educated an all-girls grammar school in Cheshire, my two elder sisters loved this school, but for me, it was hateful, and I was bullied. My teachers said I wasn’t clever enough to be an author, so my career went in an entirely different direction. College in Bournemouth led to working in a five-star hotel in London, then a job with lots of international travel, including an American company that used Concorde to fly me to New York.

My hotel in Cumbria

My career continued in hospitality, and eventually I owned a pub in Cumbria and a gorgeous country house hotel. I was a media agent for celebrity chefs for several years. There were so many stories that spun in my head during these years. A hotel is a revolving door, and you never know who is going to step in. I met some fascinating characters and always knew I could weave stories from these times but because of my teacher’s comments, I didn’t have the confidence to start writing.

My writing life started in my early fifties. A story had been in my head for years, but I was running a business, had a busy life, and constantly made excuses. Deciding that I didn’t want to die wondering, I glued my fingers to a keyboard at every opportunity, early mornings, and late nights, until I had a completed manuscript. Over eighty rejections later from agents and publishers, I decided to self-publish Coffee Tea the Gypsy & Me. Within a week, the eBook went to #3 in Women’s Fiction on Amazon and was eBook of the Week in The Sun Newspaper. My writing life had begun. Ten books later, I have been self-published and traditionally published and am now writing for One More Chapter (Harper Collins UK).

I like to write about older characters having fun in later life. Although my genre is rom-com, I tackle complex subjects and the power of friendship, and I hope my readers experience a funny, roller-coaster ride and always a happy ending. 

My first marriage to a Bajan, whom I met in London, didn’t last, but it gave me a love of the Caribbean, which often features in my books. My best seller – The Cruise was inspired when I was a guest speaker on a Fred Olsen Cruise. I met so many eclectic passengers that I knew a ship was an excellent setting for a novel. The novel has prompted mail from holidaymakers either on a cruise or telling me that the book inspired them to go cruising. One reader said they were on a Mediterranean cruise, and everyone on the sundeck was reading The Cruise. That wonderful comment made all the hard work worthwhile.

My new novel, The French Cookery School, is a story inspired by a week spent in the Charente, for a cookery course. The host, Valentina Harris, invited me on a press trip with eminent journalists, and we discovered the magical setting of an old farmhouse, formerly the boyhood home of President Francois Mitterrand. This enchanting time stayed with me, and I knew it would be the perfect setting for a novel. It is a love story, with escapades aplenty for the characters who get together for an unforgettable holiday.

Writing has given me the happiest time of my life. I am lucky enough to do this full-time and can never imagine retiring. I feel energised by the people I meet and the places I research for my stories. My childhood dream has come true, and I’d love to be able to say to my grammar schoolteachers who told me I would never be an author, ‘Just look at me now…’

How to find Caroline:

Website: www.carolinejamesauthor.co.uk

Twitter: @CarolineJames12

Facebook: Caroline James Author

Insta: Caroline James Author

About Caroline James

Caroline James always wanted to write, but instead of taking a literary route, followed a career in the hospitality industry, which included owning a pub and a beautiful country house hotel. She was also a media agent representing celebrity chefs. When she finally began to write, the words flowed, and several novels later, she has gained many bestseller badges for her books.

She likes to write in Venus, her holiday home on wheels and in her spare time, walks with Fred, her Westie, or swims in a local lake. Caroline is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association, SOA, ARRA and the Society of Women’s Writers & Journalists. She is also a speaker with many amusing talks heard by a variety of audiences, including cruise ship guests.

Books by Caroline James:

BRAND NEW:  The French Cookery School

Waltho Williams has no idea what he’s letting himself in for when he opens the doors to his beautiful French home, La Maison du Paradis. But with dwindling funds, a cookery school seems like the perfect business plan…

Divorcée caterer Caroline needs to be able stand on her own two feet. While warm-hearted Fran hopes to help her beloved husband fulfil his lifelong dream. And for food journalist Sally it’s a PR opportunity – until a certain celebrity chef gets under her skin…

But will the eclectic group be a recipe for success, or will the mismatched relationships sink like a souffle? Whip out an apron, grab a wooden spoon and take a culinary trip to La Maison du Paradis…

Purchasing Link for The French Cookery School: https://mybook.to/TFCS

The Cruise : https://mybook.to/CruiseK

The Spa Break

Hattie Goes to Hollywood

Boomerville at Ballymegille

The Best Boomerville Hotel

Coffee Tea the Gypsy & Me

Coffee Tea the Chef & Me

Coffee Tea the Caribbean & Me

Jungle Rock

Morton’s Review of The French Cookery School

5 Stars – I loved Caroline James’ The Cruise, but I think I like The French Cookery School even more. The author draws on her extensive knowledge of recipes and celebrity chefs for this title and I found that I wanted to be included as a guest at some of the meals described.
It took me a few chapters to get to grips with the many characters in this book but once I had, I loved living the cookery school students’ experiences in France at the exclusive La Maison du Paradis the venue for the course.
The characters of this novel rapidly get under your skin with their own unique back stories adding to the action. I found myself wishing I was as flamboyant as Fran, although I think if I could choose I would be Sally with a healthy dose of Fran thrown into the mix.
A thoroughly enjoyable read, but just to warn you – it may make you hungry with all the talk about food.

Thank you for visiting Morton S. Gray’s blog. 

My latest release is A New Arrival in Borteen Bay

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About The Secrets of Borteen Bay Series

The Girl on the Beach

The Truth Lies Buried 

Christmas at Borteen Bay

Sunny Days at the Beach

Christmas at the Little Beach Cafe

Summer at Lucerne Lodge

A New Arrival in Borteen Bay

Thank you for visiting my blog – Morton S. Gray – Author. I hope you enjoyed this post. 

You can also find me on AmazonFacebook, X Twitter and Instagram.

Published by Choc Lit an imprint of Joffe Books

By Morton S. Gray

Author of romantic suspense novels. http://mortonsgray.com


  1. Morton – huge thanks for hosting me on your gorgeous blog. Hugely appreciated and I am delighted that you enjoyed my new novel, The French Cookery School. Wishing you and your followers many happy reading hours. Warmest wishes, Caroline xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful article. Thanks for sharing. Just goes to show: #nevergiveup. Was very interested in reading about Valentina Harris. I believe I may have attended the school she and her brothers went to in Rome- back in the day. I have many of her cookery books.
    Inspiration for writers is all around us.

    Best wishes and thanks once more,

    Sent from my iPhone

    Liked by 1 person

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